About Me

In 1994, my journey into the world of guitar craftsmanship commenced when I first laid hands on a guitar. Within three months, I found myself disassembling the instrument, delving into its intricate components, and subsequently, faced the challenging task of reassembly.

Shortly after, I found  a copy of 'Make Your Own Electric Guitar' by Melvyn Hiscock.  This book ignited a profound passion for crafting guitars.

This set me on a path of meticulous research, part acquisition, and guitar modification, all in preparation for my first full build in 2002. The resulting creation, while rustic in appearance, worked surprisingly well and I knew I had to build more.

For the last 2 decades I have dedicated myself to the craft, deliberately avoiding specialisation in favor of an exploration of diverse construction techniques, wood varieties, hardware selections, scale lengths, and finishes.

This breadth of experience has provided invaluable insight into the nuances of guitar design, enabling me to blend classic aesthetics with innovative twists, building with both traditional or alternative materials to suit the instrument.

My approach rejects the notion of producing mass-produced, repetitive instruments. Instead, I take pride in offering discerning musicians bespoke, artisanal creations that stand in stark contrast to the offerings of industry giants.

Wez Venables Guitars.  Handmade in Burton On Trent, UK.

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