Mobirise Website Builder

MIM JM refinish in lightly faded and aged Fiesta red.  This is a full service refin where the entire guitar is taken to a much higher level.  Every single part gets some attention from the edges of the neck to the wear on the screws.  Frets are dressed and the guitar is setup for optimal playability.  In short - it takes a MIM guitar to a level that competes with, and dare I say surpasses, a Custom shop guitar.  

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Light wear, subtle checking

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After - thin, lightly worn, feels great

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Prior to the refin.  I like the pink, but its thick and plasticy

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1967 Smuggler tele rebuild.   This had an old red finish on it, but showed signs of some filled  in smuggler routes.  I restored the originalrouting and resprayed in a heavily aged Blonde finish

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The previous red refin

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Mobirise Website Builder

The restored smuggler routes.Previously filled with wood blocks and epoxy

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Squier Bullet Overspray and String through conversion.  It also got a new plate, pickups and updated Mustang switching 

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The starting point 

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Squier Bullet Mustang

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Squier Bullet Mustang

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"Old Black" Tokai conversion

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Mobirise Website Builder

Mobirise Website Builder

Mobirise Website Builder

55 Custom Rebind and refinisish

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The solid white binding being removed

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90's Goldtop refinish and conversion to Gilmour spec

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81 refinish from wine red to custom black

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MIM mustang refin.  Faded sonic blue with heavy checking and a bit of streaky greening

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Mobirise Website Builder

Shiflett Style Tele in Cardinal Red

Mobirise Website Builder

Wez Venables Guitars.  Handmade in Burton On Trent, UK.

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